
Does my pet have fleas?

I don't see many fleas

If you have seen one flea on your dog or cat, he has fleas. In almost all cases, there are many more fleas on the pets than you actually see.

Here are some other ways to check if you have fleas:

  • You can check for flea dirt, which is actually tiny specks of dried blood left by fleas when they bite your pet. Comb through your pet's coat onto a wet piece of paper towel. If the specks falling onto the paper turn red, your pet has fleas!

  • Another test to see if a particular room is infested is: Wear white socks into a room that you suspect has fleas, that the pets have not been into for awhile. Since fleas are attracted to vibrations, your footsteps will cause them to jump toward you looking for a host. With white socks, you will see the tiny (usually newly hatched) fleas that gather. This is not designed for flea control, but if you find more than about five fleas in a single room, you probably have a MAJOR infestation to deal with. The adult fleas that you find are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the flea population!

  • Don't forget that a flea only spends about 15% of his life as an adult. The other 85% are the eggs, larvae and pupae, just waiting to hatch out into a biting adult.

If you find fleas, you will want to check out the full story on how to get rid of them permanently at on our Solution For Fleas Page.

Fleas Frequently Asked Questions

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But, why repel them, if you can get rid of them instead?

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Does my pet have fleas?

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A. Click for the Answer

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A. Click for the Answer

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